jason christakos 🌩

the glass cannon

full name Jason Alexander Christakos
date first created (irl) circa 2009
pronouns he/him
gender self-described "93% male"; may be either a cis man or trans man depending on the story (was originally cis but lately have been shifting more toward writing him as trans)
birth date January 26, 1991
orientation queer; achillean; preference for men and masc-leaning folks
race/ethnicity white American; half Greek and half various Western European descent
family very close with older sister Mel; on bad terms with parents; has a pretty cool aunt
other relationships madly in love with Zack in basically all universes, though their relationship usually ends badly. Soo Jin is typically his best friend (although Soo Jin would say zir best friend is Aubrey instead), and in some timelines eventually partner. friendly with Aubrey, but jealous of his best-friendship with Soo Jin. his first boyfriend was a high school upperclassman named Jesse.
location born in Trenton, NJ; mostly grows up in Columbus, OH; in a few timelines moves to Philadelphia, PA for a while; in some timelines goes to Boston, MA for college; in most timelines ends up living in Pittsburgh, PA eventually
occupation eventually ends up pusuing a PhD in cognitive science, in most timelines
neurotype/mental health ADHD; bipolar depression; in some timelines, addiction
height 5'10"
build pretty average and unremarkable, maybe just a little on the slender side
voice coarse and a little nasally. speaks quickly and has a loud, sudden laugh. often needs to be reminded to be quieter.
manner upbeat, very energetic. can appear standoffish, but usually has a pretty warm demeanor. very fidgety.
aesthetic Hot Topic (i.e., ambiguous fusion of commodified goth, emo, and punk aesthetics)
interests art, reading, rock music, philosophy, psychology, anime
favorite color yellow
favorite bands Pink Floyd, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails
brigade symbol lemon
other motifs lightning, yellow heart emoji


Jason kind of looks like an overgrown Hot Topic kid. He’s got a handful of piercings and tends to run around in black rock band t-shirts and paint-spotted Converse and the like, with a pair of headphones around his neck. But not the mopey dreary kind of mall goth—he’s all smiles, very friendly and outgoing (and loud), loves talking to strangers and finding out about their lives and launches easily into passionate rambles about whatever he’s excited about at the moment. It’s maybe a little bit of a front, but just because he likes to think that if he pretends to be happy and okay then maybe he can trick himself into believing that he is. He does his best to live in the moment, often acting on whims and impulses, trying to outrun his own mind. He has a strong inclination to overthink and ruminate if he gives himself the chance.

Jason lives more in a world of fiction than reality, with a constant stream of quotes and borrowed imagery running through his head. He thinks too hard about everything and he’s prone to getting so deep in his own conceptions and idealizations that he loses touch with the reality of a situation. He has a tendency toward idolizing people and toward over-dependence; this leads to a toxic relationship with Zack in high school that (in most timelines) he never really gets over. He has a hard time letting things go, and sometimes collapses into a burning ball of guilt and self-loathing. He’s stubborn and rebellious and irreverent, sometimes contrary just for the sake of it even.

He owns a butterfly knife and it’s very precious to him. He gets way too into philosophy and he has big feelings he doesn’t understand. He’s very loudly queer. He draws and paints and plays guitar and loves prog rock. He likes sitting outside in thunderstorms. He practices Thelema. He has two piercings: his left eyebrow, and one snakebite on the right side of his bottom lip.

Jason grew up in an abusive home; his older sister Mel has basically been his lifeline and more or less raised him when their parents wouldn’t. He has a history of struggling with self-harm, suicide attempts, bipolar depression, and in some timelines substance abuse. He and Soo Jin have been best friends since around middle school; they figured out queerness together and helped each other come out. In timelines where he’s trans, he typically has his gender figured out before high school. He falls in love with and starts dating Zack during high school; in most timelines they break up around graduation. Things splinter off a lot after that point, but this is the timeline I currently work with the most: he moves to Boston for college right after high school but becomes dysfunctional and fails out. He moves back in with his sister in Columbus to recover and then moves to Pittsburgh to join Soo Jin who is attending college there. He and Soo Jin remain roommates for several years, eventually ending up in a d/s relationship. He may eventually reconnect with Zack and start dating him again, with his simultaneous relationship with Soo Jin serving as a stabilizing force.


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