soo jin takeda 🍎

the sinnamon roll

full name Soo Jin Takeda (name chosen at age ~20)
date first created (irl) circa 2007
nicknames Sooj (mostly from Jason)
pronouns ze/zir
gender agender; DFAB trans; just slightly masc-of-center
birth date November 6, 1991
orientation aromantic pansexual; attracted particularly to androgynous presentations as a teen/early 20s and then later shifts toward being primarily attracted to masc-presenting people; very loosely identifies as achillean
race/ethnicity half Korean-American (second generation) and half Japanese-American; has some Korean cultural identity
family parents and three siblings, none of whom ze's especially close with; believes strongly in found family and values close friends more highly than relatives
other relationships bestest friends for life with Aubrey; they grew up as neighbors and Soo Jin was basically part of Aubrey's family. close friends with Jason since middle school and eventually partners in some timelines.
location grows up in Groveport, OH; goes to college in Pittsburgh, PA; in some timelines ends up in NYC or Boston
occupation comics artist, biomedical engineer, and/or pharmacologist (would like to be a full-time illustrator but does the other two because money and ze happens to be good at it)
height 5'4"
build petite, though ze often hides it under bulky clothes
voice often lilting, fluctuates between sugary-sweet and having a sarcastic edge, can be shockingly caustic when needed. wide pitch range.
manner easygoing, laughs a lot. can seem demure at times, but quite boisterous at others.
aesthetic big sweaters, fluffy skirts, and combat boots
interests comics (reading them and drawing them), horror, anime, video games
favorite colors red, granny smith green
favorite bands/artists Tool, Placebo, Maretu
brigade symbol apple


At first glance, Soo Jin is very much the “uwu” type. Ze’s almost always smiling or laughing, and ze has a very light and airy look, both in terms of style and how ze carries hirself. Ze wears a lot of big sweaters and hoodies, fluffy skirts, loose jumper dresses, and knee socks. Ze’s very affectionate with friends, and always seems to give off a casual, carefree vibe. But any idea of zir being a soft sweet waif is basically shattered once you hear zir speak. Ze’s very crass—swears all the time, very candid with both insults and lewdness, and won’t take anybody’s shit. But smiling still, even as ze tells you to go shove a cactus up your ass.

Soo Jin is an artist and a storyteller, and lives for exploration and inspiration and discovery. Ze admires whimsy and change, but knows how to be patient and persistent enough to get things done. Mainly, ze’s into drawing comics—silly cute cartoony stuff, or cosmic horror, or porn. Ze’s infatuated as much with cute and soft things as with horror and the grotesque. Especially mixing the two; ze was way into the whole creepy-cute, Invader Zim kind of aesthetic back when that was a popular thing. Also a gamer, a dedicated shitposter, weeb trash, and a bit of a stoner. Ze plays some tabletop RPGs and zir favorite character to use is an evil tiefling sorcerer who wants to get a castle and become a deity.

Soo Jin is the kind of person who acts very differently toward the people they love and everyone else. If you’re close, ze’s going to coddle the hell out of you, but if not then there’s an even chance for zir to save your life or steal your car. It’s not an ‘inner face vs. outer face’ kind of deal; they’re all authentic—in fact, Soo Jin can hardly stand being insincere. Ze just can’t be bothered to give a damn about most people, doesn’t have the spoons for that shit. Ze’s compassionate to a degree, but doesn’t much care about morals or justice, and isn’t very sympathetic to suffering that ze isn’t directly witnessing. Although ze’s somewhat active in social justice movements, it’s motivated less by the abstract idea of justice and more by direct concern for zir friends’ safety. Ze’s plenty good at lying to authority, though (which ze distrusts inherently). Ze hates following anyone else’s rules, but will play along when ze knows it’s the way to stay safe.

Ze likes to be seen as the caretaker, the strong one, the one all zir friends can rely on. Ze’s terrified of being weak, and can’t bear being seen when vulnerable—ze always holds the others when they’re crying, it’s never the other way around, it can’t be. Zir casual demeanor, doting, and nonjudgmental attitude mean that ze winds up holding onto everybody’s secret, for better or worse. And ze takes pride in that. Even though it’s tough to say whether everyone’s secrets are truly safe with hir, considering zir relative lack of moral compass (e.g., ze would tell Aubrey anything, whether ze’s supposed to or not). Despite being everyone else’s confidant, there are very few people ze opens up to hirself.

Soo Jin grew up upper middle class, with zir mom and dad, two older brothers, and a younger sister. Ze doesn’t have any ill will toward zir family, but doesn’t get on especially well or feel very close to them. They’re overwhelmingly practical people; ze’s something of the dreamer of the family, and never felt understood, even though ze’s well aware that pretty much everyone feels that way about their families too. Ze’s always been much closer with friends though, and had a big network of friends; even in childhood ze spent most of zir time at Aubrey’s house next door and considered Aubrey’s family zir own. Ze was always a bright student, in the gifted program and whatnot, but never had much ambition. Still, ze was good enough at just quietly doing what was expected of zir to be successful. In most timelines, ze ends up going to school for and working in biomedical engineering or pharmaceuticals, something that ze’s good at but doesn’t really care about—and which appeases zir family, who take pride in how many of them work in medical professions. Soo Jin was born with a different (more gendered) name and changed zir name to Soo Jin sometime during college. It’s the name that zir mother told zir she used to imagine growing up and giving to her child someday (and conveniently, most Americans don’t know how to gender it). Soo Jin’s mom’s family all lives in Korea (zir mom originally moved to the US for med school), including a gay cousin who ze’s actually much closer with than any of zir immediate family.

age 15 vs. age 25

warning: contains mentions of mature/not-safe-for-work topics (highlight text to reveal)

age 15: hoodies, stifled existentialism and identity crisis, detached and escapist but tries to be soft and uwu and approachable, bad at boundaries, draws porn but thinks sex is probably not a real thing

age 25: sweaters and fluffy skirts, its gonna be ok, loud angry queer, still a big nerd, thinking about kink stuff 95% of the time (has approximately 74686326 kinks), everybody's confidant, thoroughly unrepentant, still draws silly caricatures and porn but also horror, has many nuanced opinions on what sex is and its relative fakeness and ways people relate to it, unfazeable


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